Designers / Nina Ricci

Nina Ricci

Founded in 1932
Designer name: Nina Ricci

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Nina Ricci short perfume brand description

Nina Ricci was born in Turin in January 1883. A highly talented apprentice, she decided to devote herself entirely to design.

She formed a partnership with her only son Robert and opened her own Haute Couture House at 20, Rue des Capucines, in Paris. Success was swift, and just before the war the Nina Ricci firm occupied 11 floors and its workshops were filled with 450 workers.

As a dress designer, Madame Ricci had a wonderful flair for highlighting the personality of her clients. Queen of fashion she still favored femininity at a time when boyish styles were being celebrated. Ricci tried her hand in perfume making with her "Nina" perfume, then introducing "Premier Jour" and "L'air Du Temps", as well as the popular "Les Belles" line of fragrances.
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