Designers / Cerruti


Founded in 1881
Designer name: Cerruti

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Cerruti short perfume brand description

The Cerruti Brothers was established in 1881 as a textile company in Biella, Italy. Nino Cerruti was born in 1930, son of one of the founders. He later became head of the woolen division then he opened the first Cerruti boutique in Paris in 1967. The Cerruti fragrances "Cerruti 1881" and "Image" were produced for Cerruti by German fashion house Escada (Kemper) which is a affiliate. The Lanifico Cerruti plant in Italy still makes clothes for Cerruti, Hugo Boss and Canali. Cerruti dressed Julia Roberts in the film "Pretty Woman". The company is now lead by Aurelio Giogini assisted by Nino Cerruti. For online discount Cerruti Perfume and cologne including gift sets and gift baskets at up to 50% off retail prices, see the resource list below.
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Cerruti Women's perfume (5)

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