Designers > 4711 > 4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee And White Mint
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4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee And White Mint

4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee And White Mint

by 4711
Description: 4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee & White Mint Perfume by 4711 5.7 oz Eau De Cologne Spray (unisex) for Women. Juicy sweetness and rich greenery meet in a perfect dance with 4711 Acqua Colonia lychee & white mint. Although the notes are simple, lychee, mint, and a touch of mossy undertones, the unique blend of these enthusiastic elements creates a passionate fragrance that can't be forgotten. Coming from the classic 4711 brands, naturally, the finest ingredients and most well-honed techniques are used to place each drop into the beautiful cut crystal bottle. This fragrance was launched in February 2020.
Perfume id: 49891
Gender: Female
Created in: 2020
Style: Green, Fruity, Aromatic
Best use: --, --

Designer: 4711

4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee And White Mint's perfume prices comparison:

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Perfume name Gender/Size Store Price
4711Acqua Colonia Lychee & White Mint Eau De Cologne Spray 50ml/1.7oz female 50ml/1.7oz But at $19.00
4711Acqua Colonia Lychee & White Mint Eau De Cologne Spray 170ml/5.7oz female 170ml/5.7oz But at $24.50
4711 Acqua Colonia Lychee & White Mint Perfume 5.7 oz EDC Spray (unisex) for Women female 5.7 oz But at $30.59

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